Euro Stars web site is an ironical view of Europe and its history full
of wars, destruction and barbarism which continues to our days. It is
a reaction to the big EU's campaign for united Europe in which many countries
from the region would like to become members of. This is a web site which
shows how most of European countries came to their wealth and today's
status, and why are they still striving for power and globalization. Every
yellow star from the EU's circle symbol is linked to an image which illustrates
my message through documentary scene, from the past and present.
Welcome to Europe!
Euro Stars je web stranica koja predstavlja ironican pogled na Evropu
i njenu istoriju punu ratova, razaranja i divljastva, koje se nastavlja
sve do danas. To je reakcija na danasnju veliku kampanju Evropske zajednice
za ujedinjenu Evropu cije bi clanice mnoge zemlje iz regiona zelele da
postanu. Ova web stranica pokazuje nacin kako je vecina evropskih zemalja
dosla do svoga bogatstva i danasnjeg statusa i zasto se i nadalje zalazu
za moc i globalizaciju. Svaka zuta zvezdica iz kruznog simbola EZ je povezana
sa slikom koja ilustruje moju poruku dokumentarnim scenama iz proslosti
i danasnjice.
Dobro dosli u Evropu!
ANDREJ TISMA is Novi Sad (Yugoslavia) based artist,art critic and curator.
Since the early '70s mail-artist and networker. Founder of The Institute
for the Spreading of Love (1991) and Embargo Art campaign (1992). Since
1997 Internet artist and activist.
Andrej Tisma was born 1952 in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. Graduated from Academy
of Fine Arts in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1976. Since early '70s Tisma
was concerned with many fields of art : concrete poetry, mail-art, photography,
xerox, performance art and video art. Solo exhibitions since 1972 (Novi
Sad, Belgrade, New York, Milan, Seoul, Munich, Naples, San Francisco)
and since 1969 took part in some 500 collective exhibitions in about 40
countries all over the world.
Tisma's web art works are included in the Net Art Idea Line, Whitney Museum
Of American Art, New York, USA; Rhizome Artbase, USA; Net Art Guide, Stuttgart,
Germany. He took part in the Ars Electronica festival, Linz, Austria.
Andrej Tisma (1952) je multimedijalni umetnik i kriticar. Od 1996.
bavi se kompjuterskom grafikom i web.artom, kao i pisanjem o ovim oblastima.
Od ranih sedamdesetih godina ukljucen je u medjunarodni pokret mail-arta
i ucestvovao je u preko 500 izlozbenih projekata, a mnoge je i sam organizovao.
Teorijom novih medija bavi se od sredine sedamdesetih godina i iz ove
oblasti objavljena mu je knjiga "Druge te(rit)orije", 1992.
Objavio je i nekoliko medjunarodnih antologija mail-arta i telefaks umetnosti,
a u San Francisku je 1996. objavljena monografija Tisminih autorskih gumenih
pecata i zbornik njegovih tekstova o umetnosti. Bavi se i fotografijom,
performansom i videom.
Radovi iz oblasti web.arta nalaze mu se u nekoliko svetskih kolekcija:
Net Art Guide, Stuttgart, Nemacka; Net Art Idea Line, Whitney Museum Of
American Art, New York, S.A.D.;Rhizome Artbase, S.A.D.
Ucesnik je festivala Ars Electronica, Linz, Austrija i brojnih medjunarodnih
web.art projekata ADDITIONS: In my web.art work, same as formerly in other
media,I am using images found in the information media and existing web
sites, combining and transforming them into socially and politically engaged
works of art.