_][ad][Dressed in a Skin Code_ holistically documents
select phases of the mezangelle language system and its evolution/revolution
[1995-2001]. This mezangelle system is devoted to the exploration and
push and pull of new media and avatar/collaborative layering via a networked
medium. The emphasis of _][ad][Dressed in a Skin Code_ revolves around
the use of mezangelle, which evolved/s from multifarious email exchanges,
computer code flavoured language and net iconographs. To mezangelle means
to take words/wordstrings/sentences and alter them in such a way as to
extend and enhance meaning beyond the predicted or the expected. It's
similar to making "plain" text hypertextual via the arrangement
and dissection of words. Mezangelling attempts to expand traditional text
parameters through layered/alternative meanings embedded into meta-phonetic
renderings of language. Notions of language play and identity swapping
are essential in _][ad][Dressed in a Skin Code_; the fictionalised avatars
presented shif
The interactive texts presented in _][ad][Dressed in a Skin Code_
[http://www.cddc.vt.edu/host/netwurker/] act as residual traces from networked
practices that thrive, react and shift according to fluctuations in the
online environment in which they initially gestated. The works in _][ad][Dressed
in a Skin Code_ are presented via two viewing options; firstly, as singular
_texts_ and secondly as _n.hanced_ packages. The _n.hanced_ works contain
various interactive elements that require the user to explore & extract
meaning via mouseovers, clickable regions, audio fragments & extended
"click-&-hold" areas. The _n.hanced_ works use javascript
& Flash technology to create an environment that encourages a viewer/user
to feel comfortable and eager in navigating the works.
[Mez][ [Mary-Anne Breeze] has been described as one of "the original
net.artists" who is "...without doubt one of the most consistent,
prolific, innovative artists working in new media today. Mez's work with
language has had a considerable effect on the language of many.".
The impact of her unique net.wurks [constructed via her pioneering net.language
"mezangelle"] has been equated with the work of Shakespeare,
James Joyce, Emily Dickinson, e.e. cummings and Larry Wall. Mez has exhibited
extensively since the early 90s - both via the internet and in "realtime"
[e.g CTHEORY's Digital Dirt, Prague's Goethe Institute, Digitarts '96,
Experimenta Media Arts, ISEA_97 Chicago, ARS Electronica_97, trAce, The
Metropolitan Museum Tokyo, SIGGRAPH_99&00, d>Art 00&01, _hybrid<life>forms_01,
and in _Under_Score_ @ The Brooklyn Academy of Music 01 ]. Mez also participates
vicariously in a multitude of conferences [she describes her input as
being the product of a "virtual jillaroo"] and is a freelance