NOFOCUS is a five level project.

_The first level: nofocus is a meaningfully and a very clear collection of obscure, unclear, vague, indistinct, incomprehensible things. It is a collaborative project based on the exploration of the nofocus field (nofocus images -still and moving-, nofocus information, histories, current news, thinking, theories, behavior, attitudes and politics). Nofocus is an anthological domain filled with all stuff from artists working in all media. Or no artists.

_The second level: nofocus attitudes have been observed at many individuals from various geographical areas, usually not knowing each other, all their actions taking place in the same way. We are dealing with telepathy or just a pure coincidence. Maybe. This project is tracing the manifestation of some concepts and ideas (particularly the nofocus concept) thru the intermediary of some isolated subjects.

_The third level: for such an extended enterprise the nofocus project tries to find individuals, groups of people and organizations that can help or participate in this research. The nofocus concerned in Nicolae Comanescu has initiated the project in the beginning of April 2002 and until now was joined by Stefan-Sebastian Szobotka, Eugen Alexandru Gustea, Mihaela Kavdanska, Dilmana Iordanova, Stefan Constantinescu, Luminita Gruia, Floe Tudor, Mona Vatamanu and Alina Pentac...

_The fourth level: nofocus is an incomprehensive, inconclusive, incomplete, incoherent, inconstant and incoming on-line artists' (or others') source for documentation. It makes accessible the many nofocus people's files and documentation providing a context for comparative study, analysis and creativity.

_The fifth level: nofocus is a forum for nofocus interaction, discussions or information exchange.

This project will be cumulative and ongoing.

Nofocus este un proiect derulat pe cinci nivele.

_Primul nivel: nofocus este o foarte clara si edificatoare colectie de lucruri obscure, neclare, vagi, indistincte si incomprehensibile. Este un proiect colaborativ axat pe explorarea domeniului nofocus (a imaginilor nofocus still sau film, a informatiilor nofocus, a istoriilor, a noutatilor, a gindirii, teoriilor, atitudinilor, manifestarilor, politicilor nofocus. Proiectul nofocus urmareste chiar clarificarea conceptului nofocus.

_Al doilea nivel: atitudinile si manifestarile nofocus au fost observate la extrem de multi indivizi din cele mai variate zone geografice, de cele mai multe ori fara sa stie unii de altii, aceste actiuni intimplindu-se aproximativ la fel. Este vorba de coincidenta sau de telepatie aici. Acest proiect urmareste manifestarea unui anumit concept sau idei prin intermediul unor subiecti considerati izolati unii fata de altii. In acest caz, a conceptului nofocus.

_Al treilea nivel: pentru o atit de mare intreprindere proiectul nofocus incearca sa gaseasca oameni, nuclee si organizatii dispuse sa participe la aceasta cercetare.

Nicolae Comanescu, un preocupat nofocus, a initiat acest proiect la inceputul lunii aprilie 2002. Pina acum au intrat in proiect Angela Bontas, Stefan Constantinescu, Eugen Gustea, Luminita Gruia, Dilmana Iordanova, Mihaela Kavdanska, Alina Pentac, Stefan Sebastian Szobotka, Florin Tudor si Mona Vatamanu............

_Al patrulea nivel: nofocus este o incomprehensibila, inconcluziva, incompleta, incoerenta, inconstanta sursa on-line de documentatie pentru artisti sau alti cercetatori interesatia de fenomen. Ea va face accesibile informatii despre domeniul nofocus, oferind astfel un context pentru studii comparative, analiza si creativitate.

_Al cincilea nivel: nofocus este un forum pentru schimb de informatii, discutii si interactiuni in domeniul nofocus.

Proiectul va fi cumulativ, definindu-se pe masura derularii.


VISIT ON THE WEB [link no longer available]


Nicolae Comanescu
Born: November 1968 Pitesti, Romania

8th Venice Architecture Biennial, Romanian Pavilion, D.S.B.A.
Free Biennial, New York
Boundless Balkans, Belgrad,
A Virtual Memorial, le Musee di-visioniste
World View 2002/ Cinema electronica

Videotree, Florence
Trieste Contemporanea
Digital Media Festival, Quezon City, Philipines
Rostemplation 5’, Mediaterra Festival, Mikromuseum, Fournos Center for Art and Technology
Computer Space, Sofia
Mystical Disappearance project, Rostopasca insert in Context Network, 49 Venice Biennial
I trust in progress, Virtual Mine, Saarland, Germany
Video Lounge Festival, Outer Limits, New York

Argos project, Vevey, Switzerland
Transferatu, ifa Gallery Berlin, Rostemplation, (ifa Gallery Bonn, 2001)


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